Networking Events
Net-Working It!
This casual networking event is held on the third Wednesday of the month, held at a different member business each time. Enjoy complimentary nibbles, cash bar and supporting our featured not-for-profit organization. This is a complimentary event and registration is not required.
For more information, click here.
Coffee & Commerce
Join us on the second Wednesday of every month for this casual, caffeinated networking event. This is a complimentary event, held at a different memeber business each month. Registration is appreciated, but walk-ins are always welcome.
Find out more and register here.
Batavia Women in Business Breakfasts, Luncheons & After Hours Networking
The Batavia Women in Business host six events each year; two breakfast events, two lunch events and two after-hours networking events. These events are open to everyone - not just for women and offer excellent networking opportunities. The breakfasts and lunches do have a fee and registration is required. The after-hours events are complimentary and everyone is encouraged to attend!
Find out more and register here.
Multi-Chamber Networking Events
We partner with more than 15 local chambers of commerce to bring you opportunities to meet and network with many more local businesses and organizations.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies & Celebrations
Ribbon cuttings and anniversary celebrations are something that we love to do! We recognize and support our newest members and celebrate milestone anniversiaries every chance we get! These are wonderful opportunites to network and introduce yourself and your business to your new neighbors.
Keep up with us by checking the Ribbon Cutting schedule
See the full calendar of all our networking opportunites here!