Batavia Lodge #404 has served its Brother Masons and the Batavia community since 1864.
Illinois Freemasonry focuses on membership retention, attraction and development of good men who represent and promote a quality life filled with honor, integrity, brotherly love, freedom, equality, tolerance, learning, and service to mankind.
The local Batavia Lodge has practiced these qualities for more than 150 years. The brothers raise money for a scholarship that is given to a Batavia High School student. The Guy P. Vance Scholarship is presented yearly to a BHS student that will be attending Waubonsee Community College seeking a degree or completing a program of study.
Additionally, they host two Masonic youth organizations, one each for girls and boys.
The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) teaches leadership training through community service. Girls (ages 11?20/21) learn about the value of charity and service through their work and involvement with their annual local and Grand (state or country) service projects.
DeMolay International, David M. Wheeler Chapter, is open to young men, ages 12 to 21 for membership. Since 1919, the Order of DeMolay has built many leaders in cities, states, and and nation.